M35 motorway – section between main road 481-Berettyóújfalu, M4 motorway Berettyóújfalu – Nagykereki
Design services Chief designer: UTIBER Kft. As the continuation of the M35 motorway, the section between main road 481 and Berettyóújfalu (49+050 – 69+250 km) was constructed in the second project phase, which includes the Debrecen-state border leg of the M35-M4-M47 interchange, as
Design and Engineer services CONSTRUCTION OF PEST COUNTY SECTION SECTION BETWEEN ÜLLŐ - CEGLÉD Engineer: UTIBER Kft 44,4 kmlong 8 multi level interchanges 20 structures 2 rest area 2x2 lanes CONSTRUCTION OF PEST COUNTY SECTION SECTION BETWEEN CEGLÉD - ABONY Chief designer: ÚT-TESZT Kft. 17,6 km long 2 multi-level interchanges 4 structures 1 rest area 2x2
Design services Chief designer: Út-Teszt Kft. The Szeleste-Csorna segment of the M86 constitutes the next and final part – after the M85 and the Csorna bypass – in the effort to link Szombathely to the Hungarian high-speed bloodstream. By connecting existing 2x2-lane bypass sections
Engineering services Project management | Technical inspection The M1 motorway connects Vienna and Budapest, thus forming a part of Pan-European transport corridor IV and Trans-European route E60. It links up with the Austrian A4 motorway west from the border town of Hegyeshalom. As
Engineering services The M7 motorway constitutes a part of Pan-European transport corridor V, which aims to establish a road link between ports on the Adriatic and Eastern European countries. West of Letenye, the road splits into two branches at chainage 232
Engineering services M5 motorway In Hungary, we (the ARUP-UTIBER Consortium) were the first to undertake the role of independent engineer for a section of the M5 motorway built under a concession scheme (17+400 – 173+895 km). To this day, we have been
Engineering services As one of the main arteries in Hungary’s transport bloodstream, the M3 motorway constitutes a part of the SW-NE traffic corridor running east of Budapest. It creates a high-speed road link toward Eastern Europe through the Ukraine, and toward
Engineering services As it connects main roads 2 and 11, the Megyeri bridge is a key element of the M0 beltway around Budapest. The structure bridges both the Szentendrei Island and the Szentendre branch of the Danube. 1862 m long 9 bridge structures 88
Design services During the comprehensive renovation and partial reconstruction, the contractor completely rebuilt the superstructure in the four outermost spans on both sides of the 130-metre-long bridge. The two outermost piers were also completely rebuilt, the remaining piers were reinforced, while
Design services By branching off from the M5, going around Makó, and leading to the Csanádpalota/Nagylak border crossing point, the M43 ensures a so-called transit corridor between Eastern Europe and the eastern regions of the Balkans. As a further advantage, motorists