We wish to assume a key role

in the development of

Hungary’s transport

infrastructure and the civil

engineering subsector.

mérnöki tervezés


UTIBER Közúti Beruházó Kft. (briefly: UTIBER Kft.) was founded in 1991, as the legal successor of Közúti Beruházó Vállalat (Public Road Investment Company), which was brought to life in 1971. Today, the company is owned entirely by Hungarian legal entities (Út- Teszt Kft.) and individuals, and we take pride in the crucial role the firm has played in the life of the Hungarian civil engineering sector. Following many years of unbroken progress, we currently employ 170 highly-trained engineer colleagues. We firmly believe that through decades of engineering operations, we have made a significant contribution to the development of Hungary’s transport infrastructure. Owing to our wide array of services and the expertise of our staff, we are capable manage complex project cycles from the earliest stages to the finishing touch.

years of experience
branch offices in Hungary


Mélyépítési és infrastruktúrális beruházások tervezése
Megyeri híd építése
Közbeszerzések, beruházások


Design services

Design works for civil engineering, environmental and other infrastructural investments represent the core of our business.

Engineering services

The management of implementation, the oversight of the complete construction process, and engineering consulting services are important areas within our activities.

Other services

We are engaged in activities pertaining to both the design and the investment-management branches.


We take pride in having played a key role in such projects as the design works for the circular bridge outside Hódmezővásárhely, or serving as the Engineer for the construction of the Megyeri Bridge.

Hódmezővásárhelyi körhíd