Design services
No task is too complex for UTIBER. Design works for civil engineering projects are guaranteed by the company’s high-standard professional background.
Thanks to several years spent in the trade and the resulting vast pool of experience, no task is too complex for UTIBER. Design works for civil engineering jobs, environmental projects and other infrastructural investments have a prominent role among our activities.
Our services cover the usual project design phases (design studies, preliminary- and detailed environmental impact assessment, decision-support, permit drawings, tender, construction designs, as-built designs) and all types of specialist drawings (road construction, traffic engineering, environmental, plantation, water engineering, public utilities, bridges and other structures, mechanical engineering, geomechanics, etc). As part of the projects, we also obtain the full range of permits from the relevant authorities.
We are proud of having played a decisive role in such large-scale projects as the terminal interchange of the Hódmezővásárhely leg on main road 47 (circular bridge near Kopáncs), or design works for the M85 motorway.
As designers, we undertake:
Road- and traffic engineering design works
When it comes to road- and traffic engineering design works, UTIBER is undoubtedly one of Hungary’s leading engineering firms. Our scope of activities comprises the preparation of designs for public road infrastructure and the related engineering structures, commercial- and communal investments, as well as complex design works for public transit facilities.
We are devoted to overseeing the projects from the drawing board to the last touch – therefore, if requested by the Contractor, we undertake on-site design supervision and other forms of assistance.
Traffic modelling
The process of infrastructure designing performed by our Design Department is supported by traffic modelling, simulation, and cost-benefit analyses. Modelling and simulation are carried out with the transport-planning software developed by PTV.
Design works for bridges and other structures
Design works for overpasses and underpasses in connection with road- and railway design jobs form the core of our Structure Department’s activities. Moreover, we synchronise the activities of our bridge designer subcontractors.
Design works for railways
Drawing up designs for the reconstruction and modernisation of the railway network is perhaps the most crucial task of our Railway Design Department. To support the construction of the railway network’s backbone, we engage in design procedures for all phases of track construction and the related preparatory works. This activity entails the preparation of concept designs, feasibility studies, design studies, permit- and construction designs, as-built designs, while on-site supervision also forms an integral part of our services.
Water engineering design works
Our Water Engineering Department operates as an autonomous unit of the company, focussing primarily on water engineering and water utility designs required for road construction schemes. This area entails design works for drinking-water networks, sewer systems, sewage treatment plants, and investments targeting the improvement of water quality.
Public utility design works (electric power)
As part of our utility design portfolio, we coordinate design works for utilities related to road- and railway design jobs, prepare general utility plans, and compile comprehensive design documentations for power- and water utilities. Such works cover the designs for power grids, telecommunication lines and hydrocarbon pipelines.
Environmental- and plantation design works
UTIBER lays a great emphasis on sustainable development; consequently, eco-conscious engineering work is a primary consideration regarding both the company’s own operations and the overseen construction works. This attitude is reflected in our portfolio of activities – no wonder design tasks and preparatory works related to environmental-, water management- and waste management investments have a key role within our daily operations. We participate in sewage treatment, liquid-waste treatment, waste management developments on a regular basis – not, to mention investments that target the rehabilitation of contaminated soil and the improvement of water quality. As part of our infrastructural projects, we take care of comprehensive landscape architecture and plantation works.
The responsibilities of our Surveying Department include the creation of base maps and other survey-based items for various design works performed by our Design Directorate or its contracted partners, as well as the preparation of land acquisition documents (expropriation plans, utilization for other purposes in case of forests or arable land, plans for easement rights) pertaining to design works. In addition, the Department is responsible for other surveying tasks associated with the firm’s operations, such as staking-out, displacement tests, and control measurements.