Ongoing projects
Ongoing projects
Check out the ongoing major projects we are involved in as designers or engineers either individually or in cooperation with our consortium partners.
Procurement for the upgrading of the Soroksár (incl.) — Kelebia (country border) railway line (EPC – Engineering Procurement Construction contract)” – preparation of road construction and traffic engineering work phases required for project completion in connection with all facilities
Preparations for improving the road links to the Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport – delivery of permit drawings, delivery of construction drawings and tender documentation required for construction
Delivery of development plans for areas related to railway lines 80, 100, 120, 150; Delivery of comprehensive masterplan for Eastern Hungary; Delivery of National Railway Development Plan based on Western and Eastern Hungarian masterplans and the Budapest Agglomeration Railway Strategy; Delivery of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the National Railway Development Plan
Civil engineering design duties under the project entitled “Additional environmental management tasks for the Budapest Southern Railway Ring development – Design works”
Delivery of permit drawings and construction drawings required for pavement reinforcements (for axle weights up to 11.5 t) between chainages 10+800 km and 33+320 km on main road 75 and the establishment of a bicycle road between the settlements of Zalaapáti and Bak
Delivery of permit drawings, construction drawings, detail drawings, production drawings, as-built drawings, interim as-built drawings and additional drawings for the Kecskemét-Szentkirály section of the M44 expressway
Preliminary environmental activities, delivery of technical drawings required for high-speed railway project
Design duties for the preliminary project plan, environmental design documentation and permit design documentation regarding pavement reinforcements (for axle weights up to 11.5 t) on road 311 between Cegléd and Nagykáta (between main road 31 and main road 4), delivery of drawings, obtainment of the necessary permits
Design duties regarding the preliminary project plan, environmental impact assessment and public road safety impact assessment for the Debrecen eastern bypass road section between main road 47 and main road 354
Delivery of the preliminary project plan and environmental impact assessment documentation for the Kaposvár-Szigetvár high-speed road link, obtainment of the environmental permit
Delivery of the preliminary project plan, environmental impact assessment and public road safety impact assessment for the 2×2-lane expansion of main road 47 between Berettyóújfalu and Körösladány, obtainment of the environmental permit
Drawings for various streets in Budapest District VI (Terézváros)
Comprehensive preliminary technical work and design duties for the project entitled “Modernisation of water supply in the Lake Balaton region, complex improvement of the water balance of Lake Balaton based on a new water base and renewable energy sources”, obtainment of the permits necessary for project implementation
Delivery of permit design documentation for the industrial spur lines of the Seuso Industrial Park and management of the permit procedure
Amendment of the environmental permit, obtainment of new environmental permit(s) (if required), delivery of design documentation, obtainment of the necessary permits for the section of the M9 expressway between main road 51 and main road 53, including the southern branch to Tompa
Decision support documentation, BIM-based implementation concept, obtainment of permits and delivery of construction design documentation for the infrastructural developments in the eastern neighbourhoods of Debrecen
Design duties regarding the preliminary project plan, environmental impact assessment, permit design documentation and construction design documentation for the M44 expressway section between Békéscsaba and the country border (Salonta)
Obtainment and extension of permits for the expansion of the M1 motorway to 2×3 lanes between chainages 16+224 km and 106+100 km
Delivery of permit design documentation, construction design documentation and obtainment of permits for the 2×2-lane expansion of main road 35 between Debrecen-Józsa and main road 354
Design review for the Monor complex rest area on the M4 expressway, obtainment of the necessary permits
Delivery of permit drawings and obtainment of construction permits for the Karcag sub-section of the M4 expressway section between Kisújszállás (East) and Püspökladány
Permit design documentation and construction design documentation for the Körösladány bypass road, including the obtainment of the necessary permits
Permit design documentation and construction design documentation for the Köröstarcsa bypass road, including the obtainment of the necessary permits
M5 motorway Independent Engineer (Operation)
M5 motorway, establishment of the Kunszállás interchange
Construction of permanent interchanges on the M44 expressway with the M5 motorway and main road 5, respectively
M6 motorway Dunaújváros-Szekszárd section (Paks-Szekszárd sub-section)
Timișoara southern bypass road
Development of complex waste management system in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve region
Elimination of railway bottleneck and electrification on the Püspökladány-Biharkeresztes line section
Reconstruction of the Upper-Sava bridge at Ostružnica
Upgrade of the Békéscsaba-Lőkösháza railway line section LOT-3
Novi Sad
M4 motorway Törökszentmiklós-Kisújszállás
Timișoara northern link road
M80 expressway Körmend-Rábafüzes, construction of operation and maintenance centre at Körmend
M6 DUNA overhaul
Consulting services for Ipolyerdő (forest management organisation)
Development of the Bük industrial zone
Construction of metal processing plant in Debrecen
Technical supervision regarding the renovation of the Budapest Region Tribunal archives building (Rózsa Str., Budapest)
Technical inspector duties regarding major maintenance works on the M3 motorway between chainages 77+551 km and 128+115 km
Technical inspector duties regarding major maintenance works on the M4 motorway between chainages 19+550 km and 25+940 km
Technical inspector duties on the M1 motorway (ch. 39+200 – 172+408 km), the M15 (ch. 0+000 – 14+507 km) and the M3 motorway (ch. 56+700 – 77+751 km)
Lébény-Mosonszentmiklós interchange access road – design review and technical inspector duties
Construction of Barényi Béla Rd. in Kecskemét, technical inspector duties
Delivery of construction drawings for overhead structures on the M1 motorway (ch. 14+550 – 107+703 km), independent engineer duties
Independent engineer duties, design review regarding the Répcelak operation and maintenance centre on the M86 expressway